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Don’t Panic Goal setting check list

Napoleon Hill said, “A Goal is a dream with a deadline.” According to the University of Scanton, 92% of people who set goals never achieve[…]

Goal setting in 5 steps

5 Easy step to set goals

Goal setting process 1. Identify the area: Maybe its an area that you need to work on. Like: finances or maybe its something more fun[…]

De-Stress with creativity

De-stress with creativity

De-stress with Creativity What is Creativity? Creativity is the ability to bring something new into being.  It’s the ability to create something physical using your[…]

Personal development

Goal Setting

Anerene Rossouw Life Coach

What is a Life Coach?

Different Life Coaches specialise in different areas. I specialize in Personal Development Coaching, Relationship Coaching, Career Coaching, Study Coaching and Anxiety Coaching. I am based[…]

Life coach cape town

Can’t Sleep? Our Life Coach shares tips on how to improve your sleep

Checklist to help you sleep Stay away from Caffeine. Some studies suggest for as long as fourteen hours. If you have trouble sleeping, try to[…]