Think about your Anxiety.

The first thing I want to tell you is that anxiety is perfectly normal.

Everybody suffers from anxiety.

So the next time you get that overwhelming sense of anxiety, remind yourself that you are not alone. Everybody experiences anxiety. The importance is how long you’re feeling anxious, how often you’re getting the sense of anxiety, and for me, which is the most important, is what you do about that sense of anxiety.

Anxiety happens in your body, Here some theory

  • Amygdala. The amygdala is responsible for the release of fear, which will affect your anxiety.
  • Hypothalamus releases the hormone cortisol and adrenaline, which has an effect on your anxiety.
  • GABA is thought to have a natural calming effect over the body. So a lack of GABA can cause a heightened sense of anxiety.
  • Serotonin, an imbalance of serotonin, may cause a mood change, which may heighten your sense of anxiety.
  • The last one is dopamine. Dopamine is responsible for the reward and pleasure within your body. If you’ve got low dopamine, it can cause anxiety.

So what does this research actually mean? The reason it is confusing is all of these theories are so different, and they sometimes contradict one another. But here is what I understand.

The feeling of anxiety is released naturally. It’s meant to be there. There is nothing ‘wrong’ with you. Rather think of anxiety as a messenger. Your body is trying to tell you something. To warn you about something that its afraid of.

The other interesting fact.

How many thoughts do you think you have per day?

Again, this research is slightly contradictory, but if you spend some time on Google, it’s anything between 30,000 thoughts and 70,000 thoughts per day. It means that you’re constantly thinking. Your brain hardly takes a break from thought.

95% of the thoughts that you’re thinking are repeated. How insane is that?

Believe this or not, 80% of your thoughts are negative.

So let’s just get this right

Let say your limiting belief is ‘I am not good enough’. You will repeat that thought 95% of the time.

And 80% of the main thoughts are negative.

So what doesn’t that mean. If you don’t control what you are thinking you will be stuck in the negative.

Plus 12% of what you’re thinking per day is consciously.

That means you are aware of 12%, the rest sit in your subconscious gets repeated 95% and is 80% negative.


We’ve established the following: Anxiety is normal, everybody feels anxiety, our body creates this anxiety and thousands of thoughts go around our heads daily.

What are we going to do about it?

Firstly, if you have an abnormal sense of anxiety, you need to go and find professional help: Psychologist or psychiatrist or perhaps a life coach. Find someone to help you with your anxiety so you can get it under control

Start to learn from your anxiety. Think of anxiety as your teacher. It’s there for a reason and you are feeling that sense of anxiety to help you grow or to help you understand what needs to change in your life. Tell yourself that the anxiety is coming to you for a reason. What is the reason? Become aware of it. Ask questions like:

  • When did I start feeling anxious?
  • At what point did I feel normal and then I shifted into a sense of anxiety?
  • What has changed to cause that anxiety?

Become aware of when you are anxious and ask yourself why?

I also want you to become aware of that mindful chatter that you are having in your head. That negativity repeating itself over and over. Move it from the subconscious to the conscious so you are in control of it and you can stop it.

Empower yourself to understand your anxiety

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