Introducing Family Constellations to Coaching my Practice
After completing a two-year course on family constellation and Systemic work, I am excited to introduce it to my practice.
Experience the Power of Family Constellations
A Unique and Powerful Way of Healing and Resolving Family entanglements
Family constellations is a powerful and unique approach to healing that focuses on the hidden dynamics within your family system.
Experience the Healing Benefits
Family Constellation and Systemic Work
Family constellations offer a unique and powerful way of experiencing healing through the connections within our family systems. This powerful approach can help you heal and overcome family dynamics that may be holding you back
This work is truly unique and a powerful way of receiving healing.
Unlock the healing potential of your family connections and experience deeper understanding and transformation in your life.
More about Family Constellations
Hear from my clients
My family constellation therapy session with Annerene was a game changer for me. It gave me insight into my own and others’ deepest needs, and how to approach and meet these needs. The process brought me great relief, affirmed the value of every family member, and was a lot of fun.
I could not previously have guessed that such wisdom was accessible to me. Thank you, Annerene. I will be back for more
Jo-Anne Smetherham
Client since 2022
Frequently asked questions
Explaining to someone who has never heard or seen systemic healing and family constellations is difficult. The best way
for me to explain it is to relate it to coaching.
With coaching we deal with the conscious mind. We deal with what he/she know, what he/she is thinking and feeling.
We find patterns, belief systems and behaviours. Then we discuss practical solutions to avoid or improve the
pattern, belief or behaviour. We plan and navigate the best outcome for the obstacle ahead.
With Systemic Healing and Family Constellations we are able to work with the subconscious. We work with the
‘brokenness’ that is in his/her systems, then we create alignment within the system that creates wholeness.
The right to belong
‘’Every family member has the equal right to belong. This applies even when that member is an invalid, died young,
committed suicide, or ended up in a psychiatric institution. Even those who were criminals, of bad character, or
addicted to drugs or suffered from depression have the right to belong.’’ Indra Torsten Preiss Family and other
constellations revealed.
‘’Belonging is the innate human desire to be part of something larger than us. Because this yearning is so primal,
we often try to acquire it by fitting in and by seeking approval, which are not only hollow substitutes for belonging,
but often barriers to it.’’ Brene Brown The gift of imperfection
The right to their own fate
‘’All family members bear their own fates. Each fate belongs only to the individual. However short, difficult, or
problematic somebody’s life is; only that person can live it. Everyone has to face up to this or her own
responsibility’’ Indra Torsten Preiss Family and other constellations revealed.
Parents give- children receive
‘’The balance of giving and taking in a family is as follows – parents give to their children what they can, and
children take what is given to them. Children do not have the right to demand anything from their parents. They
have to accept their parents just as they are. ’’ Indra Torsten Preiss Family and other constellations revealed.
Parents give themselves as they are.
The hierarchy is set in time.
’The order of rank is a system such as a family is chronological. Whoever arrives first takes up first place. Logically
the grandfather takes priority over the father and the first daughter over the second son. The first important
partner has priority over the second.’’ Indra Torsten Preiss Family and other constellations revealed
The new system takes priority over the old
‘’The order of ranking between systems is that the newer takes precedence over the former. It follows logically,
therefore, that the relationship between partners is more important than the relationship with members of the
original family. A new relationship after a divorce is more important than the previous one.’’ Indra Torsten Preiss
Family and other constellations revealed.
Men and woman are complementary and equal
‘’The ranking between parents is defined accoutring to the function each has. For example, the one who is most
active in the world and has a more demanding career are greater income comes first. This parent serves the parent
in second place, who serves the family household. Therefore, it is the parent in second place who has the more
important role because this parent tends to the children. This makes it clear how complementary men and woman
are.’’ Indra Torsten Preiss Family and other constellations revealed.
Relationships are reciprocated
‘’All relationship are reciprocated. The power with which this reciprocity manifest itself is proportionally to the
depth of the bond and love between partners’’ Indra Torsten Preiss Family and other constellations revealed.
Equal exchange
Equal exchange is needed to create wholeness. Equal exchange is when all parties leave feeling a balance with the
We belong to many systems. Examples are Family, Work, religion, community, friendship and/or relationship with your
pets. From the moment we are born we are involved with systems. A system is anything we are linked with.
Yes, as long as it’s a system you belong to. Healing can only happen to you. You cannot request healing for someone else,
even if they are in the same system. The healing is for you
Family constellation is looking at your family system only. It looks at your family line.
Where Systemic healing is all other systems.
The most important would be an open mind. I have often had a constellation and felt totally confused. Only at the
end or weeks later did I feel the healing. Remember that it’s the subconscious that needs the healing the conscious
sometimes doesn’t need to understand.
You would also need to bring what you want to work with or heal.
Anything that you feel is broken and that needs alignment. We can work within anyone of the systems you belong to. It
could be your body system or family system or business system.
Examples: I don’t feel I have balance in my life?
I just cannot focus and complete my work?
I keep getting sick?
My sister and I keep bumping heads.
We had a trauma in the family?
We cannot fill this position at work. People just keep leaving.
From the facilitator point we will offer a safe place for you to allow the emotion and guide the movement but most of the
actual work comes from you. Family constellations or systemic healing asks the question of ‘’What is happening to you
and to your body at a point”. In order to allow the subconscious to heal we need to connect to it. We can do this with
stones or papers or miniature dolls. Family constellations are often done with dolls. I know it sounds so airy fairy but
remember we need to find ways to connect with the subconscious by using a physical object to represent the elements
helps to connect and starts the healing.
When a constellation is done within a workshop others who attend the constellation can represent an element of the
constellation. Sometimes that is wonderful because they don’t know the whole story, they only know what’s happening
to them at the point when the question is asked.
During a private session you will represent all elements of your constellation. This is very powerful because you feel the
shift from each element
The reason I am studying Systemic healing and family constellations is because I felt healing the subconscious was
something needed and that I was lacking in my tool kit. I have personally received the most amazing healing from
If you are still not convinced, please do some research of your own. Just google it
Family constellations has been
around for years and has many different arguments.
Here is a video that I did that may help:
Suggested reads
Ready to transform your life?
Empower yourself and take control of your personal growth with the guidance of Anerene Rossouw Life Coach.
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