Ever wonder why you get stuck? Reason 2

Ever wonder why you get stuck reason 2:

We have already discussed how your emotions rule your life and that depending on your emotions will determine what you do or don’t do. Check out reason one here

2nd reason is BLAME

Yes, Blame.

Ask yourself the questions: Who do you always blame? Or What do you always blame.

I never managed to do that because………..  or I wanted to but ……. Or you just don’t understand me…. The most common blame is TIME. There is just never enough time.

If you find yourself repeating the same answers over and over again then you are giving away your power.

We seem to feel safer if we pass the responsibility to someone else or something else.

What you are actually doing is giving away your control. You are letting someone or something else take ownership for the outcome

I am here to tell you. You can stop repeating the same excuses and empower yourself.

Let’s use the examples so its clear.

If you find yourself always being late for work because of robots then ask yourself. What can I do to be empowered in this situation? For example: Take another route, or leave earlier or work from home. Whatever you come up with doesn’t matter but take an empowered stance and change it.

Let take the time blame. If you find yourself blaming time for your lack of performance or procrastination, consider that everyone has 24 hours in a day. You are not being short changed. Ask yourself what can I do to be empowered in this situation. I think you might be surprised with the answers. For example, I work way too hard, or I need to prioritise better. Once again doesn’t matter what you come up with but make sure you take the empowered route of doing something about it.

Let’s take the next example: my partner doesn’t understand me or doesn’t listen or did not do what I expected. Once again ask yourself the question what can I do to be empowered in this situation. My partner is not a psychic and cannot image what is going on in my head. What empowering action can I take. Maybe be specific with exactly what you are expecting.

Take the next step to put yourself in an empowered position. Ask the question

What or Who do I always blame?

and What can I do for myself to be more empowered?

By not allowing blame to take control you are not stuck in the situation you find yourself in.

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