Posts from October 11, 2024

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702 Health and Wellness – The health benefits of hobbies

Click the link to listen to Clement Manyathela speaks to Anerene Rossouw, a life coach about the several benefits to having hobbies Health and Wellness[…]

Moments of happiness

I once had this client who asked me for a hack, a hack for happiness. Every single day of your life, when you do or[…]


5 things that you are worried about Is this a true worry? ____________________________________________________________ Some time we need to chose what we worry about. Things that[…]

Judgment and Projection

Lets talk about Judgment, Nice debate to consider is all judgment projection? We have been brought up in a world where we judge one another.[…]

Taking your MORE to the next level

Let’s put practical steps that you can go back to on a weekly basis to determine how you are going to get to your More.[…]